Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How to use VLOOKUP Formula in Excel 2003 , 2007

Hello Readers,
I have added one post about for a formula which really helped me a lot in my MIS work.
The most useful formula in excel is VLOOKUP for MIS guys. .
many guys find difficulty to learn this formula.So Lets go step by step I will show you some easy examples.
Before learning the formula we should know that what is the use of the formula.
This formula is very useful when you have to find out value from a list, say there are two lists One with 2 columns Student_Name & Marks And another table Student_Name & Age As shown in the Image.

So with the help of VLOOKUP formula we can find out Marks in column G for Students Given in Colomn E
As shown in below image

We can see the entered formula in cell G4 "=VLOOKUP(E4,B3:C13,2,0)"
The formula has divided into the 4 parts.

= Vlookup(Lookup _value, Table Array,Column_number,Range_Criteria)
1. Lookup Vaue which is E4 (means which value we are going to find in List 1 )
2.Table array B3:C13 (You have to select total List1 )
3.Column number (Which coumns you want as output, as you can see there are 2 columns in List 1)
4.Rage ( It should be "0" or "FALSE", We will disscuss on same later on )
So now you have understood what we have to entered into each part of the Formula.
Let understand what actually the formula does .
1. Lookup Vaue which is E4 (means which value we are going to find in List 1 )
Formula first take Lookup Value and find lookup value in first column of Table Array
Means it actually finds "Student_1" in Column "B3:B13"
It get value "Student_1" in cell B4
after that it checks Column number (which we have given 2 in the formula).
And as B4 is column 1 of table array so 2 would be D4 and D4 is marks of Student_1
In such way it find out marks of Given Lookup Value
What happens when Formula doesn't find Lookup value in first column of table array ??
this is nice question, The formula simply gives Error of Not Found like this => "#N/A"
If you want to test you just change Lookup value means E4 to "Student_11" as Student_11 is not in the List1 it will show #N/A error
But its just a one result what for other marks for List2 ???
Now as you have created the formula you need not write it again in every cell Just copy cell G4 and Paste into Where you want to apply the formula That is G5:G13.
Isn't it easy ????
Formulas are just 10% of total excel power if you want to unleash the power of MS-Excel then start learning VBA. I would recommend to join a course which is prepared for absolute beginner such as :
Excel VBA MACRO Kick-start Course for absolute beginner

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Be familiar with Excel

Following are some tips


In excel you would need to use splitting function because Splitting a window allows you to work on multiple parts of a large spreadsheet simultaneously and Freezing the pane allows you to always keep one part of the spreadsheet (e.g., column or row labels) visible.

To use this function Drag the split horizontal and split vertical icons to the desires positionsClick on the freeze pane icon from the tool bar to freeze the panes


Hide and unhide function in excel Allows you hide and unhide particular rows or columnsSimplifies working with the spreadsheetPrevent certain information from being seen
To use hide and unhide Select the row(s) or column(s) to be hidden/unhiddenSelect Format : Row : Hide/Unhide or Format : Column : Hide/Unhide

It saves your lots of timeMove the first or last cell of a contiguous data block without scrolling

To use scrollfree movement use following keys

Ctrl-Arrow : Move to the first/last data cell in the arrow direction

Ctrl-Shift-Arrow : Selects the cells between the current cell and the first/last data cell


Why to use :
Allows specific cells or cell ranges to be referred to by name
Allows you to write equations such as = Quantity*Cost instead of =$B$12*$C$4

How to Use:

Select the cell or cell rangeSelect Insert : Name : Define from the menu bar


Use :

Correctly sorting a series of rows or columns without disassociating the data is critical to many modeling efforts

how to use:

To sort by single category, just click into column, NEVER highlight column (would destroy table integrity)To use multiple criteria, click any cell of data table, select Data…Sort Data table will be selected

Monday, March 29, 2010

Basic Excel Formulas for Newbiee

Hi friends you should know the basic excel formulas when you are newbie.
Following some formulas I learned when I used excel first time.


This formula is use to get sum of selected range.

one most important thing you should know is every formula is begin with "="

Just start your formula with "=" sign

If you have 1,2 & 3 these numbers in A1, A2 & A3 respective cells you want sum in A5 cell as given in above figure.

then just enter "=SUM(A1:A3)" in cell A5 and you will get result 6 the sum value .

This is a example of simple excel formula if you want to learn more advance and important formula refer below link:

how to use vlookup formula in excel

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Boost your speed in excel with keyboard shortcuts

I stumble upon excel When first time I used it.It has many formulas which helps you to manipulate data and get desire output.When you are new user of excel and want to speed up then you should know the shortcut keys. Following shortcut keys Will help you to speed up in excel

Keystroke Function
[Ctrl]B Bold the selection

[Ctrl]I Italicize the selection

[Ctrl]U Underline the selection
[Ctrl]5 Strike through the selection
[Alt] and ' Open the Style dialog box
[Ctrl]1 Open the Format Cells dialog box
[Ctrl][Shift]~ Apply General format
[Ctrl][Shift]$ Apply Currency format
[Ctrl][Shift]% Apply percentage format
[Ctrl][Shift]# Apply Date format
[Ctrl][Shift]@ Apply Time format
[Ctrl][Shift]! Apply Number format
[Ctrl][Shift]^ Apply Exponential number format
[Ctrl][Shift]& Apply an outline border to selection
[Ctrl][Shift] and _ Remove outline border from selection

Keystroke Function

[Ctrl][Page Down] Move to the next wor sheet in a workbook
[Ctrl][Page Up] Move to the previous worksheet in a workbook
[Ctrl][F6] Cycle between open workbooks
Arrow keys Move one cell up, down, left, or right Navigation (continued) [Ctrl] and an arrow key Move to the edge of the data region
[Home] Move to the beginning of a row
[Ctrl][Home] Move to the beginning of a worksheet
[Ctrl][End] Move to the end of the used portion of a worksheet
[F6] Move between panes in a split worksheet
[Ctrl][Backspace] Display the active cell
[Enter] Move down a cell in a selected range
[Shift][Enter] Move up a cell in a selected range
[Shift][Tab] Move one cell to the left in a selected range
[Ctrl] and . (period) Move from corner cell to corner cell in a selected range
Selection techniques
Keystroke Function
[Shift][Spacebar] Select a row
[Ctrl][Spacebar] Select a column
[Ctrl]A Select an entire worksheet
[Shift][Home] Select from current cell(s) to the beginning of the row
[Shift][End][Enter] Select from current cell(s) to last used cell in row
[Ctrl][Shift][Home] Select from current cell(s) to the beginning of the worksheet
[Ctrl][Shift][End] Select from current cell(s) to the end of the used portion of a worksheet
[Ctrl] and * Select the data region surrounding the active cell
[Ctrl][Shift]O Select all cells that contain a comment
[Ctrl] and [ Select cells that a selected formula directly references
[Ctrl] and ] Select formulas that directly reference the active cell
Workbook basics
Keystroke Function
[Ctrl]O Open a workbook
[Ctrl]N Create a new workbook
[Ctrl]S Save a workbook
[F12] Open the Save As dialog box
[Ctrl]P Print a workbook
[Ctrl]W Close a workbook
[Shift][F11] Insert a new worksheet
[Ctrl]9 Hide selected rows
[Ctrl][Shift]9 Display hidden rows in selection
[Ctrl]0 Hide selected columns
[Ctrl][Shift]0 Display hidden columns in selection
[Ctrl]F Open the Find tab of the Find And Replace dialog box
[Ctrl]H Open the Replace tab of the Find And Replace dialog box
[F7] Run a spelling check on a worksheet or selected text
Working with data
Keystroke Function
[Enter] Complete an entry and move to the next cell
[Alt][Enter] Insert a new line within a cell
[F2] Enable editing within a cell
[Ctrl][Enter] Fill selected cells with an entry you type
[Ctrl]D Fill data down through selected cells
[Ctrl]R Fill data through selected cells to the right
[Ctrl][F3] Create a name
[Ctrl]K Insert a hyperlink
[Ctrl] and ; (semicolon) Insert the current date
Working with data (continued)
[Ctrl] and : (colon) Insert the current time
[Ctrl]X Cut the selected text or objects to the Clipboard
[Ctrl]C Copy the selected text or objects to the Clipboard
[Ctrl]V Paste the contents of the Clipboard
[Ctrl]Y Repeat last action
[Ctrl]Z Undo last edit
[Ctrl][Delete] Delete from the insertion point to the end of the line
[Ctrl][Shift]+ Add blank cells
[Ctrl]- (hyphen) Delete selected cells
[F11] Create a chart from a range of data
Formula shortcuts
Keystroke Function
= Begin a formula
[Ctrl][Shift][Enter] Enter a formula as an array
[Shift][F3] Display the Insert Function dialog box (Paste Function in Excel 97)
[F3] Paste a defined name into a formula
[Alt]= Insert a SUM AutoSum formula
Type a function in the Formula bar and press [Ctrl]A Display the Function Arguments dialog box
[Ctrl][Shift] and " Copy the value from the cell above the current cell into the current cell
[Ctrl] and ' Copy a formula from the cell above the current cell into the current cell
[Ctrl] and ` Toggle between display of formulas and cell values
[F9] Calculate values for sheets in all open workbooks
[Shift][F9] Calculate values for the current worksheet
[Esc] Cancel an entry you're making in a cell or in the formula bar