Saturday, March 5, 2016

Frequently used ms-excel shortcut keys to speed up work

Hello readers, Now Its around 7 years of experience I am having in automation and reporting. I would like to share some frequently used shortcut keys in MS-Excel:

Shortcut key to  copy cell/ text/range/any excel object
- Ctrl+c (Control and c)

Shortcut key to  paste cell/ text/range/any excel object
- Ctrl+v (Control and v)

Shortcut key to fill value or formula from cell at top
 - Ctrl+d (Control and d)

Shortcut key to fill value or formula from left cell to current cell
- Ctrl+r (Control and r)

Shortcut key to go to next filled cell
-Ctrl+arrow Key (Control and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to go to next filled cell
-Ctrl+arrow Key (Control and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to select all cells from current to next filled cell
-Ctrl+shift+arrow Key (Control and shift and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to go to cell "A1"
-Ctrl+Home (Control and Home key)

Shortcut key to select table which have active cell
-Ctrl+a (Control. and a)

Shortcut key to entire sheet
-Ctrl+a Ctrl+a (control and a twice)

Shortcut key to  apply or remove filter
-Ctrl+dff (Control and d then ff)

Shortcut key to toggle between formula and value entered in a cell.
- Ctrl+~ (Control plus tilde)

Shortcut key to delete selected rows/columns/cells:
- Ctrl+ - ( Control and minus)

Shortcut key to add rows/column/cells:
- Ctrl++  (Control and Plus key)

Shortcut key to rename sheet(Tab):
- Alt+ohr (Alt and "o" then "hr")

Shortcut key to delete sheet (Tab):
- Alt+hds (Alt and "h" then "ds")

Above shortcut keys will help you to increase your speed of work. Apart from these shortcut keys you should know basic functionality of excel.