Saturday, March 5, 2016

Frequently used ms-excel shortcut keys to speed up work

Hello readers, Now Its around 7 years of experience I am having in automation and reporting. I would like to share some frequently used shortcut keys in MS-Excel:

Shortcut key to  copy cell/ text/range/any excel object
- Ctrl+c (Control and c)

Shortcut key to  paste cell/ text/range/any excel object
- Ctrl+v (Control and v)

Shortcut key to fill value or formula from cell at top
 - Ctrl+d (Control and d)

Shortcut key to fill value or formula from left cell to current cell
- Ctrl+r (Control and r)

Shortcut key to go to next filled cell
-Ctrl+arrow Key (Control and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to go to next filled cell
-Ctrl+arrow Key (Control and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to select all cells from current to next filled cell
-Ctrl+shift+arrow Key (Control and shift and any arrow key)

Shortcut key to go to cell "A1"
-Ctrl+Home (Control and Home key)

Shortcut key to select table which have active cell
-Ctrl+a (Control. and a)

Shortcut key to entire sheet
-Ctrl+a Ctrl+a (control and a twice)

Shortcut key to  apply or remove filter
-Ctrl+dff (Control and d then ff)

Shortcut key to toggle between formula and value entered in a cell.
- Ctrl+~ (Control plus tilde)

Shortcut key to delete selected rows/columns/cells:
- Ctrl+ - ( Control and minus)

Shortcut key to add rows/column/cells:
- Ctrl++  (Control and Plus key)

Shortcut key to rename sheet(Tab):
- Alt+ohr (Alt and "o" then "hr")

Shortcut key to delete sheet (Tab):
- Alt+hds (Alt and "h" then "ds")

Above shortcut keys will help you to increase your speed of work. Apart from these shortcut keys you should know basic functionality of excel.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Fixing insert object error for activeX objects in VBA macros

Some day in MS-Excel if you find your activeX controls are not working which were working fine till yesterday. So don't worry try below fixes for such issues.
Goto below mentioned paths and delete .exd files and reopen excel. 

  • %appdata%\microsoft\forms
  • %temp%\excel8.0
  • %temp%\word8.0
  • %temp%\PPT11.0
  • %temp%\vbe

If still issue persist then goto Run type appwiz.cpl and click on view install updates from left navigation bar. And remove if there are any new updates have been installed for MS-Office recently. 
Hope this will help you to resolve issue.

You can also download .msi file to fix this issue, You will get this fix at below link.

Write if you have any query.